Cookin up Content – the 5G’s

Don't know what to include in your 242 sessions? No need to wing it! Below you'll find the 5 key elements of every 242 sessions!👇👇

  • Introducing 5G’s - Glorify, Goal, Gel, Grow, Gear up,

    The 5Gs make it clear what to expect in each session, and how you’re going to do it! Sessions 2- 7 are all written using the 5G’s but eventually you’ll start making your own sessions using this format, so you’ll get used to it!

    Glorify – This is the part of your session that makes it clear the main aim of you all meeting is to glorify God, shifting our focus to him!  A good way to do this is with starting and ending your session with prayer (1 Corinthians 10:33)  

    Goal– This should be decided on before the first session, then you can say it at the start of each meet up! 

    We’d recommend something like this👇 

    e.g. "Hey guys, welcome to '242 – Blue Coat' We exist to build Christ-centred community and see every person in Blue Coat school be given an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel".

    GelThis is the element of Session that promotes community, fun and bonding! It'll help you guys 'gel' together.

    This could really be anything: an icebreaker, a group game , a get to know you or even a game that relates to focus of session

    download our huge library of session icebreakers and games here

    Grow– This is the part of the Session where the bible (God’s WORD) is the focus and questions are used to promote discussions in groups,  

    It's a large part of how you all will grow in your faith as faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word! 

    depending on your numbers you can either split into smaller groups or stay as one! This is useful to draw out and reinforce an idea from Scripture. (1 Peter 2:2) 

    Gear up This is the ‘now what?!’ of your session (application), it’s all about what we can 'gear up’ with from this session, what can you actually DO with what you’ve just heard from the word!  

    It’s always good to use questions before sharing an application to get people to think about how they can personally apply what they’ve learnt from this session to their lives. (James 1:22) 

    Gear up question examples

    How can we live differently in light of what we’ve discussed? 

     What is one way that you can love someone like Jesus did this week? 

    What is one thing we can do this to ‘activate’ this passage in your life? 

    Bonus tip: Know your POM

    Before you write your session, think of your P.O.M - your point of meeting 

    Point of meeting – Before you start planning/writing your own session, It is helpful to think of and write down a point of meeting, this will act as a compass as you write out the session, directing you on what to and not to include! 

    POM examples

    “The point of us meeting today is to empower and equip students to share Jesus with their peers.” 

    “The point of us meeting today is to help students understand the parable of the seed and the Sower”